Saturday, October 31, 2015

The first time I saw this picture we were still dating.  It was before the digital age and I wondered why he had taken a picture of a bunch of rocks and I remember thinking he had wasted his film developing this picture.  It was years later when it dawned on me that he had spelled my name with the rocks.  He had been on a trip with some friends and had evidently been thinking of me.  I wonder what other signs of affections I've missed through the years.  Looking back I'm able to name a few:
-He sold his motorcycle to buy my wedding dress
-He stores my name in his phone as "Amy the Hot."
-He keeps his clothes in the laundry room so that when he gets up early he doesn't wake me.
-He does all the vacuuming and ironing
-He lets me have the final decision on almost everything.
-He wants me to go with him everywhere, even doctor's appointments.
-He always lets me drive the newer car.
-He always takes my side when I've felt wronged.

Sometimes it takes many small pieces/acts of kindness to see the message that the bigger picture offers.  I know what love looks like, it's written on the ground with rocks and it's spelled AMY.

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